
- with individual methods  -

Every treatment in my practice for osteopathy Stuttgart, begins with a detailed anamnesis interview in which you describe in detail your complaints, the current course of treatment and your goals. In this way, we can work together, step by step, to develop the right and individually tailored treatment methods for you.

The first visit usually lasts 60 minutes. It includes a thorough history, followed by inspection and palpation using classical medicine methods as well as specific osteopathic methods. Please bring to your first appointment all available medical documents (medical reports, examination findings, x-rays, etc.). 
Follow-up treatments last 45 minutes and deepen the treatment approach already begun. As a result, we can continue to build on previous treatments by including complementary methods to achieve the desired outcome.

My treatment focus


The structural area

Here, the focus of treatment on the musculoskeletal system, ie the spine, the pelvis and the respective extremities.
 It deals with problems with bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and fascia.


The visceral area

Here I deal with the organs and their effects on the musculoskeletal system. Often, there is a disturbance of the natural organ movement. This fine rhythm ensures that the organ works smoothly. Stress, inflammations u.v.m. can block this, which has a long-term effect on the musculoskeletal system.

carinio sacrale osteopathie stuttgart osteo schoenhals

The cranio-sacral area

Here I concentrate on the head, meninges or the cerebrospinal fluid from the skull (cranium) to the sacrum (sacrum). The craniosacral rhythm can be felt through the connective tissue in the body, it is mainly worked energetically.

Treatment costs

The treatment price is based on the list "Gebührenverzeichnis für Heilpraktiker" (GebüH) / the federal subsidy tariffs. If you do not cover the digits of the fee, the digits of the GOÄ / GVO will be used. The patient is expressly advised that the services are not or not fully paid by the statutory health insurance or that the reimbursement of the services is not or not fully guaranteed by the cost bearers. A possible assumption of costs by the health insurance company must be clarified in advance. 

The treatment price is to be paid within 7 days after treatment with card payment or bank transfer.